Sunday 22 April 2018

Nepotism in Megachurches.

I am writing this just after attending my church's 40th anniversary. It was a big deal, because it was the end of one season and the start of another. 40 years have gone by, and how the next decade or two will turn out will depend on the path God has marked out for us, as a unified body of Christ. 

That afternoon, the leadership mantle was solemnly passed from father to son, and it was a christening of a journey from one generation to the other. I was there with my family, and while my kids were waiting by the side for the free bento meal set, I stood there eagerly waiting for the dawning of a new era. I consider myself the next generation, though a little on the aged side, with three kids in tow and a back that can't stand for too long.

But, before I go further, let's get the elephant out of the room here: broadly speaking, nepotism is human nature. It's our natural disposition. It is part and parcel of our society. It's in the Bushes, the Lees and the House of Windsor.

Well, it may be a hush-hush word for many, something that is the antithesis of meritocracy (or democracy). But there's no point denying how common it is; not only in politics, business and the arts, but also in churches, especially megachurches.

Notwithstanding that, that nepotistic connection alone doesn't poison the well of one's character. Not in every case. Not without exception. Not a rule of thumb.

Most times, the rest of us do not so much despise the nepotist but the nepotee. But that is only if the latter is undeserving of the appointment, that is, if he proves to be corrupt, inefficient and/or inept. 

Yet, if the nepotee proves otherwise, that is, he diligently earns his way up from the bottom of the organizational rung, leads with humility and honor, and succeeds with enduring results, earning the praises of his fellow men and respect from his subordinates, nepotism could very well be a blessing in disguise...right? Or, a blessing in the open from day one. 

Personally, I have come to accept that it is inevitable that the search for a successor in business or in any autonomous (independent) churches starts with the nurturance of talent and character within the founder's family. In fact, it is not necessarily so that the seed of the father is the weed of the church. He could very well take the lead in church. And we are not without a host of precedent here. For we have the Grahams, the Ed Youngs, the Seawards and the apostolic Khongs - just to name a few.  

Mind you, a good family will bring up a good successor who will then do his family and the church proud. For the river of life goes down to the root that bears the fruit.

Yes, this may sound unfair to those born outside of the family circle, but in cases like this, let's face it...blood is often thicker than water. Trust me, I've checked...its viscosity is definitely higher. It's tight as superglue. Yet, that doesn't necessarily lead to unfairness in the long run as the heir apparent may turn up to be a benevolent and wise leader after all. 

In the book "In Praise of Nepotism," Adam Bellow wrote: "The problem, then, is not that nepotism continues to be practiced, but that it is often practiced badly or haphazardly. The solution is not to keep banging it with a hammer like a glob of mercury but to bring it out into the open and subject it to the highest possible standards."

This again brings me to my church's recent 40th year anniversary. It was a grand affair with all the expected pyrotechnics, music and lighting. Every attendee was given a free bento set dinner, sculpted balloons and an inscribed magnetic button as a door gift. 

I was there to witness the transition from retiring pastor to senior pastor, from father to son, one whom the former is well pleased and the latter is well stead. It was a special moment for the nostalgic pair and the church of six thousand strong all joined in to sing the church's unity song, "Let us hold on together". I belted out too.

My heart was emboldened by the spirit of unity the church has shown over the decades of growth, resilience and maturity.  

Alas, the paradoxical truth of nepotism is that although it is a self-driven reservation to benefit one's offspring, it is nevertheless for a selfless goal to ensuring that the successor eventually becomes a blessing to all, within and outside the family.  In the end, indeed, the offspring of the father may very well be the wellspring of the church. 

At this juncture, you may ask: what has Jesus got to say about nepotism then?

Well, not specifically though, but in Matthew 20, he rebuked a mother when she came to him and lobbied for her two sons to sit on the left and right side of his kingdom. 

While the short exchange said nothing about the credentials of the two sons (James and John, sons of Zebedee), what we however know is that they were not part of Jesus' innner circle of ten as they were yet to be called by the Father. This is another way of saying that if the Holy Spirit does not anoint, we should not appoint. 

In the same passage, Jesus turned to his disciples and said this: "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first must be your slave." 

He also added: "Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." 

For me, that's the summation of a leader, offspring or otherwise. Jesus led the way here, and became for me the light, the truth and the life. 

Mind you, Titus 1:5-9 sets this high standard for pastoral leadership:-

"For the overseer must be above reproach as God's steward, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, nor addicted to wine, not pugnancious, not fond of sordid gain, but hospitable, loving what is good, sensible, just, devout, self-controlled, holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict."

That is the point of my post this morning, that is, the character of the one being appointed, and not so much the connection or ties of the appointee.

The mantle (or burden) is therefore no lighter just because he is his father's son. And say what you want, his allegiance is still to his Father in Heaven just as any leader who ascends without that same blood relation is accountable to the head of the church, that is, Christ and Christ alone. So, whether it is based on one's merit or one's inherited credit, the mantle is no less heavy because the Cross demands first of you, before it will transform you.

Ultimately, it is not about the celebratory service of the church. It is not about the handing over from one blood relation to another. It is also not about the nepotistic connection with all its negative connotations. 

The calling (as Jesus puts it) is servant-leadership, steward leadership, and life-as-a-ransom-for-many leadership. 

It is about the life of the one appointed, that is, his faith, his leadership and the fruits he bears in his long journey of obedience to the call just as Jesus obeyed his. It is thus a long obedience in that same direction.

That is a leadership beyond reproach. And mind you, it is a leadership that does not excuse one's flaws or hides them, but transforms and empowers them with His grace, love and hope. 

It is also a leadership that walks closely behind his Saviour's footsteps, and not on his own pathways, rushing ahead seeking his own agenda, or stepping out of the long shadow of Calvary to pursue the fleeting shadows of his own carnal appetites. 

And most importantly, it is a leadership that is always about his Father's business, upon which his own earthly father had faithfully dedicated his life. Amen. 

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